Hi, my name is Sasha and I'm new to Debitoor team! I'll be assisting with English-language communication here in the office. Exciting times!
I'm a Russian girl, originally from the most beautiful tiny city in Baltics - Riga (that's in Latvia). I spent the last 6 years living in the Fair City of Dublin - another great place on Earth. And the best place to be if you're studying The Art of Words (aka BA Journalism). I've been all around the island travelling with my friends at weekends and kitesurfing the most picturesque and obscure beaches you'd ever seen!
Now I'm studying for Masters in Media - mainly experimenting with moving digital imagery. And working part-time with Debitoor, off course. And when I'm not doing that I could often be seen cycling around the city, filming a gig or trying out a new sport: so far there's rowing, kayaking, kite-skating and bike polo on the long to-do list for the (hopefully!) approaching summer.
That's about it! I'm always happy to help if you need anything.
Have a good one!
- Sasha